Research Articles
In-depth research of companies, currencies and market events: articles on various subjects, reviewing a broad set of information and providing our clients with a valuable insight for their investment decisions.

Starbucks stock jumps – should investors jump with it?

"InvestTrends", the quarterly investment magazine from Conotoxia

Introducing "InvestTrends", the quarterly investment magazine from Conotoxia

The domino effect – rising Treasury yields and their impact on the housing market

Santa Zvaigzne-Sproģe, CFA
Head of Investment Advice Department
A certified financial analyst with a broad experience in financial markets obtained working as a broker and securities specialist in various financial institutions across the Baltics.
In addition to obtaining the prestigious CFA license from CFA Institute and Advanced Certificate from CySEC in 2022 as well as Investment Advisor’s license from Baltic Financial Advisor’s Association in 2019, Santa holds MBA from Swiss Business School in Switzerland and master’s degree in finance from BA School of Business and Finance in Latvia.